Out now: Media Logic as Transaction Logic. An integrative perspective

Döveling, Katrin, Knorr, Charlotte (2018). Media Logic as Transaction Logic. An integrative perspective. In Caja Thimm, Mario Anastasiadis, Jessica Einspänner-Pflock (Eds.): Media logic(s) Revisited (133-156) London, New York, Shanghai: Palgrave McMillan. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-65756-1_7 The articles addresses three questions. How can media logic be conceptualized in a network society? How can interactivity …

Peer-Reviewed Article on Digital Affect Cultures: New Technologies and Global Flows of Emotion

Research on the processes of mediatization aims to explore the mutual shaping of media and social life and how new media technologies influence and infiltrate social practices and cultural life. We extend this discussion of media’s role in transforming the everyday by including in the discussion the mediatization of emotion …

Spcial issue in Social Media & Society (peer-reviewed Journal by SAGE)

Giaxoglou, K. & Döveling, K. (Guest-Editors) Special issue on affect / emotion from mediated to mediatized practice, embedded in digital communication. Jan 2018 This special issue contributes to the study of digital communication and mediatization, understanding humans in the digital age, digital mourning practices, emotional communication and studies of affective …

Self-image in the digital era: The age of human optimization on Instagram

Humans are social animals and flawed beings – according to historians and philosophers. Right now, in this digital age and above all mobile society, self becomes an inherently poignant aspect of human life and interaction. One aspect is the expression of self in different situations. Sports, trained bodies, muscular body …

Peer-reviewed article: Mediatization of emotion on social media: forms and norms in digital mourning practices

This article provides the theoretical background for explanation of the mediatization of emotion on  social media as attested in different digital mourning practices. It discusses the affective and emotional turn alongside the mediatic turn in relation to key trends and foci in the study of affect/emotion. Our discussion points to …

WDR Radio-Interview zum Anschlag von Manchester und Online-Trauer

Paris, Berlin, Manchester. Heute sind die Orte auch Synonyme für Anschläge und Auslöser für öffentliche Trauer. Hierzu wurde ich kurz nach den Anschlägen im WDR-Radio interviewt.   Bildquelle

Heureka Titelthema. Was bleibt? Archivierung im Zeitalter digitaler Speichermedien

Was passiert mit unseren Daten? Aktuelles Interview in Heureka, dem Wissenschaftsmagazin aus dem Falter Verlag Zum Lesen: Bild anklicken. HEUREKA, DAS WISSENSCHAFTSMAGAZIN AUS DEM FALTER VERLAG #7, 2017.        

Digital Pictures- Real effects. Interview zum Frauenbild auf sozialen Netzwerken. Mein Körper. Eine Hassliebe?

Junge Frauen fordern auf sozialen Netzwerken Schönheitsideale und Körpernormen heraus. Seinen Körper so zu lieben, wie er ist, wird dabei zum Kampf mit vielen Widersprüchen.”

Global Mediatization Research Conference

Digital embeddedness is increasingly shaping how we experience our social lives. At the same time, as all levels of culture and society are shaped by new technological advancements online that lead to new forms of mediatization, the ways and contexts in which digital media are integrated into communicative structures are …