Spcial issue in Social Media & Society (peer-reviewed Journal by SAGE)

Giaxoglou, K. & Döveling, K. (Guest-Editors) Special issue on affect / emotion from mediated to mediatized practice, embedded in digital communication. Jan 2018 This special issue contributes to the study of digital communication and mediatization, understanding humans in the digital age, digital mourning practices, emotional communication and studies of affective …

Global Mediatization Research Conference

Digital embeddedness is increasingly shaping how we experience our social lives. At the same time, as all levels of culture and society are shaped by new technological advancements online that lead to new forms of mediatization, the ways and contexts in which digital media are integrated into communicative structures are …

Call for papers: Global Mediatization Research and Technology

Digital embeddedness (Markham, 2017) is increasingly shaping how we experience our social lives. At the same time, as all levels of culture and society are shaped by new technological advancements online that lead to new forms of mediatization, the ways and contexts in which digital media are integrated into communicative …