Module by Prof. Dr. Katrin Döveling: In today’s digitalized society the constant flow of communication is regarded as a fundamental and integral part of everyday life. Rapid developments in media technologies engender digitalized mediatization processes on all levels of society. “Fake News”, Cyber Bullying, Hate Speech on one side, but also the global connection in “Fridays for Future” as well as constant communication and self-portrayal on Instagram on the other side and the change of political communication as well as national and international media landscape lead to challenges for the individual but also for the society we live in. Especially, in these times of Covid -19, in “social distancing” our lives have dramatically changed on all levels. Working from home lead to challenges for parents and children. Boundaries of private and public domain are blurring. We struggle with digital burn out, and our learning environment has been transferred into the digital realm, leading to challenges for all who are involved. These challenges on all levels of society are explored and discussed, not only from a German angle, but also in an international perspective.

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Due to the current Coronavirus-pandemic, the International Winter University Programm will take place virtually.