Kompetenz sowie ihr warme, herzliche Energie

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Frau Döveling durfte ich bereits in ihrem höchst spannenden Kurs “Digital Emotions” kennenlernen. Sie ist besonders aufgrund ihrer Spezialisierung bzw. wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeiten in Medien und Psychologie meine Wunschbetreuerin gewesen und konnte mich schließlich in meiner Abschlussarbeit inhaltlich als auch darüber hinaus umfangreich begleiten. In dieser Zeit konnte sie viel auf …

“…depth of knowledge, combined with a professional and engaging teaching style”

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Prof. Dr. Katrin Döveling’s courses on digital emotions, digital self, and media psychology have been nothing short of transformative for me. Her depth of knowledge, combined with a professional and engaging teaching style, has inspired and motivated me to delve deeper into psychology research. I eagerly anticipate her upcoming course, …

Leidenschaft für das Thema und Vertrauen in mich

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Es war eine wahre Freude, Frau Döveling als Betreuerin meiner Bachelorarbeit zu haben. Es ist äußerst erfrischend zu erleben, dass Sie dieselbe Leidenschaft für das Thema teilt. Sie hat mir wertvolle Einblicke in die Welt der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit sowie in das Gebiet der Medienpsychologie verschafft. Die Kommunikation verlief stets locker …

Insightful, constructive discussions

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„I really enjoyed the ‘Emotions and Media’ course, as it covered the societal aspects of the media world very well and in detail. Ms. Döveling encouraged us to engage intensively with the topics of the course, and we were able to have very insightful, constructive discussions in a relatively small, …

“A lasting impact”

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I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn under Professor Katrin Döveling’s  guidance. This course not only enhanced my knowledge of emotional responses to media but also equipped me with invaluable skills to navigate and regulate my own emotions. This course has left a lasting impact on how I …


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  Participating in your lecture and learning from your unique side was effective in a permanent knowledging way. Grateful for this. Hope to come across you again! Servil Emre, Master Study Program Expanded Media SoSe 23

Passion for psychology and the different aspects of human psychology

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  “I thank you for an exciting and meaningful course. Your passion for psychology and the different aspects of human psychology makes your lectures very lively and inspiring. Topics excite me and encourage me to speak my mind. Discussing interesting issues in English has greatly improved my language skills. I …

Passion for teaching

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Dear Dr. Döveling,   It’s my pleasure to attend your course in my exchange life. Thanks for your teaching these days. I was really impressed that we had so many discussions and interactions in the class. I like this educational mode. Also, I was touched by your passion for teaching. It’s …

A highly engaging learning environment

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I genuinely appreciated her elective course on emotion regulation in the expanded media program. Her interactive and dedicated way of teaching and the thought-provoking discussions in class made the whole course very engaging. I have gained a deeper understanding of how media consumption influences our emotions. As a result I …

Enlightening and impactful

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Dear Professor Doeveling, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the emotion regulation elective you taught this semester. The movie experience and presentations on different topics of the class like mood management and the Spiral of Silence were truly enlightening and impactful. I am now more aware of my …