“A must-not-miss”

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It was a pleasure to be able to participate in the 6th Winter University Program. We got to explore many diverse topics related to digital societies. The Program delved deep into themes such as analogue and digital media and how media is used to bridge the gap between rural and …

Full of insights and reflections coming from different perspectives

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Joining the Digital Society(ies) module of h_da’s winter university program was one of the best decisions I did. It gave me a deeper understanding of how technology have greatly impacted our social lives may it be online and offline. Each session was full of insights and reflections coming from different …

Inspiring and an unique Experience

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The WUP had been inspiring and an unique experience to me until now. Every Thursday we were connected around the globe, exercised our English skills related to contemporary issues and were reconciling our latest knowledge. Thus, I will miss this time, fulfilled with new opportunities and probably friends. And of …

Program is very intriguing

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The program is very intriguing as we learn several new aspects and perspectives on the digitalization of the world.  It is also a good platform for networking and meeting people from all over the world. It was definitely a fun and memorable experience. – Winter University 21/22 Sushil

If given the opportunity to choose, I will always choose to study with you.

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“I thank you for an exciting and meaningful course. Your passion for psychology and the different aspects of human psychology makes your lectures very lively and inspiring. Topics excite me and encourage me to speak my mind. Discussing interesting issues in English has greatly improved my language skills. I really …

New aspects and perspectives on the digitalization of the world

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  The program is very intriguing as we learn several new aspects and perspectives on the digitalization of the world.  It is also a good platform for networking and meeting people from all over the world. It was definitely a fun and memorable experience. Sushil Pubalan, Winter University 21/22

One of the best decisions

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Joining the Digital Society(ies) module of h_da’s winter university program was one of the best decisions I did. It gave me a deeper understanding of how technology have greatly impacted our social lives may it be online and offline. Each session was full of insights and reflections coming from different …

I will miss this time, fulfilled with new opportunities

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The WUP (Winter University Program) had been inspiring and an unique experience to me until now. Every Thursday we were connected around the globe, exercised our English skills related to contemporary issues and were reconciling our latest knowledge. Thus, I won’t miss this time, fulfilled with new opportunities and probably …

I like SUK-classes

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…in English because of the diversity in the group. Many of the students are internationals and come from all around the world, each one brings a different culture, a different perspective and different ideas, making us to get out of the box in each class. I not only get to …

I really enjoyed…

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this class because Emotions is something everyone is able to relate to. In this course I especially enjoyed being in small groups with other people from around the world and getting to know them and their culture. -Sonja Meisel, 2020. University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt