A testimonial is a person’s written or spoken statement extolling the virtue of a product or person. My gratitude goes to all who feel I enriched their work or studies.
“Ihr Engagement, ihr Fachwissen und ihre Empathie machen sie zu einer ganz besonderen Vortragenden.”
Die aus dem Seminar gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und das mit so viel Leidenschaft vermittelte Wissen sind für mich von unschätzbarem Wert und ich würde Frau Dr. Döveling als LV-Leitung jedem weiterempfehlen. Es waren zwei wirklich interessante Seminare mit einer wundervollen Professorin." - Katja Koller
A highly engaging learning environment
I genuinely appreciated her elective course on emotion regulation in the expanded media program. Her interactive and dedicated way of teaching and the thought-provoking discussions in class made the whole course very engaging. I have gained a deeper understanding of how media consumption influences our emotions. As a result I have become more aware and reflective of my own emotional experiences. I´m looking forward to attending another elective from her in the upcoming semester.
Additionally, the presence of her adorable dog added an extra touch of joy to the classroom. Thank you!
Alexander Staller, Expanded Media (M.A.)
I really enjoyed…
this class because Emotions is something everyone is able to relate to. In this course I especially enjoyed being in small groups with other people from around the world and getting to know them and their culture.
-Sonja Meisel, 2020. University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
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Learning in a multicultural environment
has been a great choice for me. Thanks to teaching in English I have been able to learn in a multicultural environment. In addition to all this, the people who are part of this course take different degrees, so we debate from different points of view.
- Catuxa Botana, H_DA; University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
“…depth of knowledge, combined with a professional and engaging teaching style”
Prof. Dr. Katrin Döveling's courses on digital emotions, digital self, and media psychology have been nothing short of transformative for me. Her depth of knowledge, combined with a professional and engaging teaching style, has inspired and motivated me to delve deeper into psychology research. I eagerly anticipate her upcoming course, knowing that under her guidance, I'll continue to grow both academically and personally.
Thank you, Prof. Dr. Döveling, for your outstanding dedication to education.
Trinh, Huyen Phuong, Student University of Appl. Sciences, Darmstadt, Summer semester, April 2024
“Besonders gefallen haben die sehr interaktiven Lehrmethoden der LV-Leitenden.”
Studierender, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (SoSe 2018)
Leidenschaft für das Thema und Vertrauen in mich
Es war eine wahre Freude, Frau Döveling als Betreuerin meiner Bachelorarbeit zu haben. Es ist äußerst erfrischend zu erleben, dass Sie dieselbe Leidenschaft für das Thema teilt. Sie hat mir wertvolle Einblicke in die Welt der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit sowie in das Gebiet der Medienpsychologie verschafft. Die Kommunikation verlief stets locker und auf Augenhöhe, was ich besonders geschätzt habe. Zudem hat sie mir das Vertrauen geschenkt, dass ich meine Bachelorarbeit erfolgreich meistern kann. Aus diesem Grund möchte ich mich herzlich für ihre wertvolle Unterstützung bedanken!
Nina Schäffer, Absolventin, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, WS 23/24
“I value her as a passionate researcher and person with a high emotional intelligence”
Dr. Denise Sommer, Professor for Theory of Communication and Media Studies, Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, Germany
“Working with her, and learning from her, is without any doubt, a great experience.”
Ricarda Hoy, former student, now sport journalist at ORF
“You cannot ask for a more dedicated, professional and true colleague.”
Achim Parchwitz, EF Sprachreisen
Passion for teaching
It’s my pleasure to attend your course in my exchange life. Thanks for your teaching these days. I was really impressed that we had so many discussions and interactions in the class. I like this educational mode. Also, I was touched by your passion for teaching. It’s helped me to build a new recognition of new field. As what I said after the last class, my subject is mechanical engineering, but I tried to learn the different area. Thank you for letting me have a great experience in this course. Hope one day we can meet up again in the world! (Or you can come to Taiwan for traveling! I’m looking forward to seeing you and Charlee again!)
Best regards, Chang, Yan-Wei,09.07.2023
“Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe, mit Herz und breitem Wissensspektrum”
Jil Rachor und Stella Rippich, Studierende der H_DA.
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Participating in your lecture and learning from your unique side was effective in a permanent knowledging way. Grateful for this. Hope to come across you again!
Servil Emre,
Master Study Program Expanded Media SoSe 23
Insightful, constructive discussions
„I really enjoyed the 'Emotions and Media' course, as it covered the societal aspects of the media world very well and in detail.
Ms. Döveling encouraged us to engage intensively with the topics of the course, and we were able to have very insightful, constructive discussions in a relatively small, very international group in which everyone was able to express themselves freely. It was also Ms. Döveling who provided me with advice and support for my Master's thesis.“
Lorenz Beck, 2024, Hochschule Darmstadt/University of Applied Sciences
I will miss this time, fulfilled with new opportunities
Jannik Krause, Winter University 21/22
Kompetenz sowie ihr warme, herzliche Energie
Ich schätze mich durch die Betreuung von Frau Döveling äußerst glücklich und hoffe, dass sie weitere Studis mit ihrer Kompetenz sowie ihrer warmen, herzlichen Energie begeistern und diese wie mich erfolgreich zum Abschluss begleiten kann!
Ich bedanke mich von ganzem Herzen!! 🙂
Selina Metin, Absolventin University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Sommer 2024
“She is a true scientist with all she does and a pleasure to meet.”
Colin Smith, USA
“She has been exceptionally supportive of young academics.”
Christian Allner, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
Her class inspired me…
Having the opportunity to learn about Digital Transformation from Professor Katrin Döveling during WUP2024 was a truly wonderful experience. Her class inspired me to explore how media influences our communication and relationships, and preparing presentations on Cultivation Theory with my friends remains an unforgettable memory. Even after the course ended, her lessons continue to guide me in my daily life. Whether I’m browsing the web, sharing my thoughts on social media, or reading the news, I often reflect on how I use digital media and how it shapes my perspective.
I’ll always remember her warm smile—and, of course, her amazing companion, Charlie. I look forward to staying in touch with Professor Katrin and continuing to learn from her in the future.
Chaejin Kim,
Republic of Korea.
One of the best decisions
It gave me a deeper understanding of how technology have greatly impacted our social lives may it be online and offline.
Each session was full of insights and reflections coming from different perspectives.
-Juan Gonzales
“Besonders erwähnenswert ist das Engagement von Frau Professor Döveling gegenüber den Studierenden.”
Katrin Sumah, Student at AAU
“Sie hat mich immer unterstützt und ermutigt und stand mir mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.”
Sarah Rieger, Studentin, sarieger@edu.aau.at
“Je l‘apprécie beaucoup pour sa compétence.”
Rikarda Hoy, Alpen-Adria-Universität
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Passion for psychology and the different aspects of human psychology
"I thank you for an exciting and meaningful course. Your passion for psychology and the different aspects of human psychology makes your lectures very lively and inspiring. Topics excite me and encourage me to speak my mind. Discussing interesting issues in English has greatly improved my language skills. I really believe that it's more effective than just learning English in general. You did a great job, and I truly enjoyed this course. If given the opportunity to choose, I will always choose to study with you."
Trang Thach,
Sommer Semester 2022, Darmstadt
I like SUK-classes
...in English because of the diversity in the group. Many of the students are internationals and come from all around the world, each one brings a different culture, a different perspective and different ideas, making us to get out of the box in each class. I not only get to learn something about emotional intelligence, emotions in social media, but about what can I expect from the work environment that gets more and more divers every day.”
Maria Carrillo - SUK: Digital Emotions by Prof. Döveling
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“Frau Döveling besticht durch ihre Kompetenz sowie mit ihrer lockeren Art.”
“Kombination aus fachlicher Kompetenz, lockerer Atmosphäre und praxisnahem Bezug ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit.”
Wolfgang Heis, Student der Alpen-Adria Universität
Ich bin dankbar, sie kennengelernt und von ihr gelernt zu haben.
Natalie Günther, former student FU Berlin
“A lasting impact”
Vijay Kumar,
SoSe 2023
MA Expanded Media, 1st semester
“A must-not-miss”
It was a pleasure to be able to participate in the 6th Winter University Program. We got to explore many diverse topics related to digital societies. The Program delved deep into themes such as analogue and digital media and how media is used to bridge the gap between rural and urban areas.
The most highlight of the program was the discussions that were held, because we had so many international lecturers and students, that we managed to see very different and unique perspectives. Overall, the Program is a must-not-miss and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves a fun time and is eager learn about the world.
Sushil Pubalan, Winter Semester 21/22
Enlightening and impactful
I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the emotion regulation elective you taught this semester. The movie experience and presentations on different topics of the class like mood management and the Spiral of Silence were truly enlightening and impactful. I am now more aware of my emotions and the influence that media has over my everyday life. Also, I can use the knowledge I learned from this class in future projects that I'll be responsible for. Thank you for a great experience. I hope to have the opportunity to learn from you again.
Best regards,
Saman Dashtizad,
Sommer Semester 2023
New aspects and perspectives on the digitalization of the world
The program is very intriguing as we learn several new aspects and perspectives on the digitalization of the world. It is also a good platform for networking and meeting people from all over the world. It was definitely a fun and memorable experience.
Sushil Pubalan, Winter University 21/22