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2nd Edition
Routledge International Handbook of Emotions and Media
Edited By
Katrin Döveling, Elly A. Konijn

“This Handbook, edited and written by leading voices in the field, is an indispensable volume for students and scholars who study the psychology of media and technology. Understanding the foundational theories and latest research on media and emotion is essential not only to inform scholarship, but to provide insight to the issues and opportunities media affords every citizen living in this consequential time.”
Karen Dill-Shackleford, Editor, Psychology of Popular Media and faculty at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, CA
Adopting a thoroughly interdisciplinary approach to the study of emotions in the context of media, the second, entirely revised and updated, edition of Routledge International Handbook of Emotions and Media comprises areas such as evolutionary psychology, media psychology, media sociology, cultural studies, media entertainment, political and digital communication. Leading experts from across the globe explore cutting-edge research on the role of emotion in selecting and processing media contents, the emotional consequences of media use, politics and public emotion, emotions in political communication and persuasion, as well as emotions in digital, interactive, and virtual encounters.
This compelling and authoritative Handbook is an essential reference tool for scholars and students of media, communication science, media psychology, emotion, cognitive and social psychology, cultural studies, media sociology, and related fields.
Döveling, Katrin, v. Scheve, Christian & Konijn, Elly A. (eds.) (2011). The Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Mass Media. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
The impact of mass media on individuals and society is to a great extent based on human emotions. Emotions, in turn, are essential in understanding how media messages are processed as well as media’s impact on individual and social behavior and public social life. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach to the study of emotions within a mass media context, The Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Mass Media addresses areas such as evolutionary psychology, media entertainment, sociology, cultural studies, media psychology, political communication, persuasion, and new technology. Leading experts from across the globe explore cutting-edge research on issues including the evolutionary functions of mediated emotions, emotions and media entertainment, measurements of emotions within the context of mass media, media violence, fear-evoking media, politics and public emotions, features, forms and functions of emotions beyond the message, and provide the reader a glimpse into future generations of media technology. This compelling and authoritative Handbook is an essential reference tool for scholars and students of media, communication studies, media psychology, emotions, culturalstudies, sociology, and other related disciplines.
Döveling, Katrin, Mi
kos, Lothar & Nieland, Jörg-Uwe (eds.) (2007). Im Namen des Fernsehvolkes. Neue Formate für Orientierung und Bewertung [In the name of the television viewing public: new formats for orientation and evaluation]. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
Die Beiträge spüren dem Trend von Fernsehformaten wie Gerichtsshows, Castingshows und Reality-Shows nach: Sie analysieren die Formate exemplarisch und stellen Studien zur Rezeption dieser Formate vor. Dabei stehen das Verhältnis von Fiktionalität und Authentizität sowie der Nutzwert für die Zuschauer im Vordergrund.
“Die Beiträge beschreiben nicht nur die Entwicklung der als Information getarnten TV-Unterhaltung in den letzten beiden Dekaden, sondern bieten immer wieder interessante und lehrreiche Facetten. Die Analyse der Zeitungsreaktionen auf Ich bin ein Star z. B. verdeutlicht wunderbar, wie sehr sich selbst hitzigste Diskussionen im Rückblick als Episode erweisen. Die Tatsache schließlich, dass sich das Genre längst im Programmschema etabliert hat, garantiert dem Buch eine gewisse Zeitlosigkeit: Das performative Realitätsfernsehen (Angela Keppler) wird Kritiker und Jugendschützer noch eine ganze Weile beschäftigen, zumal sich die Unterhaltungsindustrie immer wieder neue Variationen ausdenkt, um etwa den Casting-Formaten neue Seiten abzugewinnen. “
(TV Diskurs, 04/2008) vgl.amazon.de