Out now: Media Logic as Transaction Logic. An integrative perspective

Döveling, Katrin, Knorr, Charlotte (2018). Media Logic as Transaction Logic. An integrative perspective. In Caja Thimm, Mario Anastasiadis, Jessica Einspänner-Pflock (Eds.): Media logic(s) Revisited (133-156) London, New York, Shanghai: Palgrave McMillan. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-65756-1_7 The articles addresses three questions. How can media logic be conceptualized in a network society? How can interactivity …

Presentations of current research

Döveling, Katrin, Knorr, Charlotte (2015). Media logic as (inter)action logic. An integrative perspective. Media Logic(s) Revisited: Modeling the Interplay between Media Institutions, Media Technology and Societal Change, University of Bonn, Germany. September, 21-23th 2015. In today’s digitally connected network society (Castells/Gardoso 2005), the Internet has become an integral part of …